How to Check If Your RV Storage Is Secure Enough


Storage security is a very important subject when trying to find a place to store your RV. A consumer who is interested in storing his RV should first do research and make sure to check if his chosen storage facility is secured enough.

However, if you really want to go the extra mile to keep your vehicle safe, there are little steps that you can follow. Simple tips that will surely make you feel extra secured.

Tip #1: Make sure the doors are locked

This might seem a lot simpler than what a person is expecting. However, it is common knowledge that the first thing any person should do when they park their vehicle anywhere, to keep it safe, is lock it. The simple act of hitting that lock button may not deter a professional thief who came well prepared, but enough to keep aways many who might want cause damage to your vehicle.

Tip #2: Ever heard of steering wheel lock?

One of the best things a customer could do is to place a steering wheel lock across the steering wheel of their RV. A steering wheel lock is a device that looks like a bar, that can be adjusted, to fit across the steering wheel and keep it from moving. The device is very simple and is manufactured by many companies. This type of device might be a little inconvenient to use, they are a very big deterrent for thieves.

Tip #3: Drain your gas

Another tip that works is to keep thieves from driving off with your prized vehicle, was to drain the gas tank after before parking your RV. A vehicle can’t run without gas, so any thief wanting to make off with his RV wouldn’t be able to get anywhere.

Tip #4: Tarp

Putting a tarp over your RV will not only protect your vehicle from elements, it also deters thieves because thieves want easy access to what they are stealing. Putting a tarp over your RV makes the thief perceive that accessing the vehicle will take extra time. Therefore, a nefarious person would probably would not want to mess with an RV with a tarp over it.

There is no way that you can be perfectly sure that your RV will be safe while in storage. However, if you take little precautions, you can greatly decrease the risk of any harm coming to your prized vehicle.

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