Which Travel Insurance Covers Terrorism


Many travelers are concerned about acts of terrorism when they travel overseas. This is a valid concern because there are thousands of terrorist attacks happening worldwide. Although the majority of terrorist acts have been located in Middle Eastern countries, there have been major terrorist attacks in prominent European cities bustling with tourists such as Barcelona and Paris. There have also been acts of terrorism in Asian countries often visited by tourists such as Thailand and the Philippines.

When you’re traveling to different countries, it always pays to get comprehensive travel insurance. When choosing travel insurance, make sure that they offer enhanced coverage to provide Travel Disruption as part of the standard policy. This gives coverage for acts of terrorism. Having this coverage as part of your travel insurance will definitely give you peace of mind that you will be protected against unwelcome risks. Travel disruption or Force Majeure insurance provides coverage during the following circumstances:

  • When war or warlike events causes delay to the journey for more than 24 hours.
  • When a natural disaster or major climatic conditions cause delays. Examples of a natural disaster are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Major climatic conditions include typhoons and hurricanes.
  • If the return journey is delayed for more than 24 hours, the policy usually provides coverage for food and accommodation expenses.

Here are some scenarios where having comprehensive travel insurance that has travel disruption coverage will be helpful:

  1. If civil war suddenly breaks out in the country where you’re in and cause your return flight home to be delayed, you can recoup the expenses incurred with your travel insurance.
  2. If you get stuck overseas because the airport or other alternative means of leaving the country are closed, you may be able to claim any travel expenses incurred while waiting for a return flight.
  3. If you’re unable to go on your trip or you need to cut your trip short due to FCO or U.S. Department of State recommendation or because of a terrorist attack, your travel insurance will recoup expenses incurred.

You might be thinking that acts of terrorism or civil unrest will most likely not happen in the place where you’re travelling to. However, recent terrorist events in unexpected places have made travelers more careful. More and more travelers are inquiring about terrorism coverage because they are concerned about possible terrorist acts in the country where they’re going to.

Make sure that your comprehensive travel insurance includes terrorism coverage. Most insurance companies offer this as part of their package.

Here are the conditions in order to be eligible for terrorism coverage:

  1. The situation must be identified as an act of terrorism by the U.S. Department of State, the local government where the attack occurred, or the FCO.
  2. The act of terrorism must occur in the city or near the city which is listed on the traveler’s itinerary.
  3. The act of terrorism must have occurred within 7 to 30 days of a traveler’s scheduled arrival.

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