Top Tips for Getting Major Event Tickets


For many people, attending a big sporting or entertainment event can be something that they look forward to for months.

This domain is one that is also very popular both with private individuals and of course, corporate event hospitality.

However, it is also an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes problems can arise in one of three areas:

  • an inability to secure tickets;
  • major problems getting to the event on time;
  • prohibitive ticket costs.

In what follows, we’ll examine a few top tips as to how the risks of encountering problems in these areas can be reduced or even eliminated:

  • plan and apply for your tickets as early as possible. Major events are almost always in high demand and leaving things until the last moment is a strategy likely to result in extreme disappointment;
  • in cases where demand vastly exceeds supply, whatever the various regulations and laws might say, you may need to accept that you will be forced to go to the private marketplace in order to secure tickets. If you do need to secure tickets from agencies or resellers, it is probably advisable to try and get them earlier rather than later.

The later you leave it, the more likely you are to be asked to pay eye-watering prices. Buying outside the venue on the day/night might mean you’ll secure some bargains, as people try to offload tickets at lower prices that they’ve struggled to sell previously but the risks of disappointment will be high and you may be at risk from fraudsters;

  • only purchase tickets from licensed and authorised outlets. Buying from ticket touts is always risky in terms of counterfeits;
  • don’t assume the best when making your travel arrangements. Public and standard taxi transport can be extremely disrupted and in short supply when a major event is taking place. Instead, contact a luxury limo hire provider and make sure you have pre-booked professional transport at your disposal in order to get you there;
  • don’t think you know best about routes and timings. If you are using a professional chauffeured limousine service, take their advice about things such as departure times. They will have done the run many times before and will know just what the prevailing traffic conditions are likely to be;
  • be prepared to find it difficult, in some cases, for your driver or chauffeur to gain very close access to the venue. Security restrictions are sadly now commonplace at such events and access may be restricted. In a situation where you have someone with you with limited mobility, special arrangements may be possible if you provide sufficient advance notice;
  • if you are using a limousine or luxury coach hire service, yet again though, remember to try and book as early as possible. Such services are likely to be in great demand in the run up to major events;
  • in situations where you are travelling in larger parties, make it clear to all joining you that you have a strict policy about arriving at the departure point well in advance of your planned departure time. You should also make it clear that you will be leaving at the specified time and that it will not be delayed for anyone under any circumstances.

That may sound mean! However, surprisingly, one of the commonest causes of major problems in reaching an event on time is when an individual or individuals in a party arrive late for the coach or limo’s departure, holding everyone else up in the process. That means a late departure for the event for everybody and that in turn leads to sometimes catastrophic results and lots of ill-feeling.

A few basic tips but they may help you avoid major disappointment on the day.

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