How To Choose The Best Travel Blog To Follow


Travel guides or blogs are necessary especially for solo travelers. These blogs not only contain the places that you would likely want to visit, but also help one to plan their trip efficiently which is crucial especially for places that one has no idea what to expect. If you happen to be starting out a life of travelling, choosing the best travel blog depends on several features which will be discussed below. These features are simple but yet effective ways to ensure that you choose the right site(s) to follow.


Before you follow a site, it is crucial to check out the owner of the blog or site that you are thinking of following. Is the site catering to solo travelers, adventurers or thrill seekers? Is the owner, a traveler as well or just someone who spends their time looking at various tour sites and then adding those information on their own blogs? Many websites hire ghost writers to populate their website especially if they don’t have time to work on the pieces and just want to make their site look updated on search engines. One advantage with having the site’s owner as the traveler is that one would know that the articles came from their experiences and would be helpful in guiding you along the way.

Relevancy and Timeliness

There are tons of travel sites in the internet and searching Google would probably yield you thousands and even millions of sites. But which one would provide help to you? Look for a site that has regular and updated content to it. If you happen to stumble upon an old article, some of the information might no longer be relevant. You can also contact the blog owner and inquire about the topic. Travel blog owners love to talk with their readers and some frequent the same place several times but would not mention it on their blog. They can be helpful in providing you with relevant information on the place(s) that you are interested in.

Sharing is Caring

Travel bloggers are passionate about their travelling and would willingly put in links to sites that aided them during their visits. Look for a blog that not only discusses the wonders of the locale but also the horrors and what to expect from the places. Some might do a sponsored travel in exchange for a review on the web owner’s blog. If all the articles contain praises for the site, then it should raise red flags especially if you find some bad reviews of the same place on the internet.

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