Will Travel Insurance Cover Lost Items?


Travelling abroad can be an enriching and life-altering experience. It usually brings positive experiences because it broadens our horizons as we learn from other places and cultures. Amidst all the excitement that travelling brings, it does have a dark side. There is always the possibility that unexpected events can occur […]

How to Organize a Group Tour Such As a Company Tour


Organizing group tour like company tour in Malaysia is easy, if the Corporate knows some good tour operators that provide full-fledged tour services. Otherwise, it could be a nightmare for the Human Resource Department to put up a good event to satisfy most employees by making the tour as perfect […]


Oradea is a sightseer city that, together with Baile Felix, is a sightseer attraction for knockouts of thousands of excursionists. Oradea is the megacity that, from an profitable point of view, endured one of the most important socio- profitable developments in the country and obviously in this part of it. From this point of view, Oradea now competes on an equal footing with Timișoara, the megacity on the Bega considered impalpable from this point of view times agone . Hundreds of accommodation units are being prepared, starting with nearly new and more beautiful guesthouses, along with hospices and other accommodation units. Tourism has meant more recently in Oradea than the Felix thermal cataracts. Other strands around the megacity or indeed in the megacity have appeared and have as their profile treatments and relaxation in geothermal […]

6 Travel Tips Everyone Should Know


Several countries, thousands of flights and endless road trips. That’s the life of a travel writer, and it teaches you a lot of fair things. I would like to share some of my travel tips with you as I found them very helpful on every trip I went on. Be […]