Boost Your Outdoor Camping With These Tips


We have the attributes of nature; we take care of our everyday life with no change. A great way to change our routine is to plan a week-long camping trip. A good way to enjoy a few days, leave the city to enjoy outdoor areas and see what nature offers. […]

5 Things You Need To Know When Camping Without Electricity


At this day and age, camping has become more convenient. Most campsites offer electricity and other types of convenience. While this is ideal for families or for beginners, plenty of people still want to experience the old-school style – camping with no electricity. If you’re planning for this kind of […]

Camping Meals – 4-Day Family Menu Plan


A family camping menu should be: Easy and quick to prepare. Requires only a few ingredients and Those ingredients are easy to store at camp (not prone to spilling, spoiling, space-hogging). Here is our family’s 4-Day Camping menu plan. We have tweaked it over the years and I’m sure you […]

Camping on Missouri Public Lands – Conservation Areas


In the state of Missouri there are over 900 properties operated by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) as “Conservation Areas.” These Conservation Areas (CA’s) can be operated for a variety of purposes. Some are managed as nature preserves, some allow hunting, some allow fishing, some are mainly boat accesses, […]

Surfing and Camping in California


Camping in California just goes with surfing. How else could most surfers afford a weekend in Big Sur? I know I can’t afford a spa. I’ve camped many times in places where I could surf. Though there weren’t always waves, there was always a fire and some hot dogs. Like […]